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Administration and Management

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Administration and Management
How do I exclude analysts from view?
How do I hide quarterly estimates?
What are teams and groups? When should I use one or the other?
How do I create or edit teams?
How do I create or edit groups?
Is it possible to add users (assistants, associates, analysts, etc.)?
What is the "Include in the dropdown menu on the Groupwide page" checkbox for?
How can I view and compare the performance of teams and groups?
How are overall group performance scores calculated?
How do I exclude analysts from view?

To exclude all inactive analysts (those without current recommendations or estimates), click on Preferences at the top right of any page, and check off "Exclude Inactive Analysts from Drop-Down List". This will also exclude these analysts from the Groupwide page.

To exclude any analyst, click on Preferences at the top right of any page. Select the "Firmwide Settings" tab. (If you don't see the "Firmwide Settings" tab, contact your StarMine account manager or your internal StarMine administrative contact. Your StarMine account manager will need to grant you administrator privileges to see this tab.) On this page you can exclude specific analysts from display. Note the page is divided into "Active Analysts" and "Inactive Analysts" sections. Excluding analysts using this page applies to all users who use the same "Company Name" as you when they log in.

Another way to exclude analysts is to create groups that only contain the analysts you are interested in seeing. Grant users access only to one or more of the groups you create, and analysts who are not within these groups will not visible.
How do I hide quarterly estimates?
If you are not interested in seeing current quarterly estimates, click on the Preferences link in the top right corner of any page, and then check "Hide quarterly estimates in Current Data". This preference will not affect scores in any way, but will simply make the Current Data pages more readable for those uninterested in quarterly estimates.
What are teams and groups? When should I use one or the other?
StarMine has created two methods to aggregate the performance of analysts, teams and groups.

Teams are most appropriate where 2 to 15 analysts actually share responsibility for stocks. When you designate certain analysts as members of a team, StarMine groups the collective stocks covered by the team members, and then treats the team as if it were an additional virtual analyst. The team can be viewed anywhere one can normally view an analyst (assuming the user has the appropriate permissions). The individual analysts on the team can also be viewed on their own with the subset of stocks they cover. If coverage of the stocks with shared responsibility is already reported to StarMine under the names of all members of the team, there may be no need to designate a team.

Groups are appropriate for analysts that do not share responsibility for stocks, but where some users need permission to see all the analysts, and/or where management is interested in seeing the overall performance of the group. Examples:
  • A small group of analysts supported by one assistant
  • A group of analysts that form an organizational or regional group (e.g., analysts in France)
  • A set of analysts covering the same sector across various regions (e.g., all analysts worldwide covering banks)
If a group is simply those analysts that a manager or associate should have access to view, create a group consisting of the analysts and add the user to those able to access the group. If a manager also wishes to see the overall performance of the group, when creating the group, leave checked the box labeled "Include in the dropdown menu on the Groupwide page."
How do I create or edit teams?
Click on Preferences at the top right of any page. Select the "Analyst Teams" tab. (If you don't see the "Analyst Teams" tab, contact your StarMine account manager or your internal StarMine administrative contact. Your StarMine account manager will need to grant you administrator privileges to see this tab.)

Any teams already created will be presented on the left side of the page. Click on the team you wish to edit or view, or press "Create New Team". The team and its members will be presented. If this is a new team, type the team's name. To add or remove analysts, check or uncheck the boxes next to their names and then press "Update and Save", which will update the list of members. Note there are two sections you can edit:
  1. Active Analysts - Analysts with current recommendations or estimates.
  2. Inactive Analysts - Analysts with no current recommendations or estimates.
Note: If an analyst who is a member of your group is listed twice, inform your StarMine account manager. StarMine sometimes receives an analyst's coverage split (e.g. across your firm's operating units or region), and StarMine needs to reunite the split analyst.

Because StarMine creates new portfolios encompassing the stocks of all a team's members, changes to teams only become visible to users the following day, after StarMine recalculates analysts' performance. Changes made before 3am GMT (10pm US Eastern Time) will be visible no later than 11am GMT (6am US Eastern Time). Team members' names that are already visible to users are shown in bold; members added today are not in bold.

After a team has been updated, when you wish users to be able to see the team:
  1. For users who should only be able to see this team, contact your StarMine account manager, who can grant the user(s) access to their team. Users who can access the team are automatically granted access to view team members' individual performance.
  2. For users with group-level access, you can add the team to the relevant group. For example, you could add the "Europe Technology" team to the "Europe" group.
  3. Users who have permission to see all analysts can also see all teams.
How do I create or edit groups?
Click on Preferences at the top right of any page. Select the "Analyst Groups" tab. (If you don't see the "Analyst Groups" tab, contact your StarMine account manager or your internal StarMine administrative contact. Your StarMine account manager will need to grant you administrator privileges to see this tab.)

Any groups already created will be presented on the left side of the page. Click on the group you wish to edit or view, or press "Create New Group". The group and its members will be presented. If this is a new group, type the group's name. To add or remove analysts or teams, check or uncheck the box next to their names and then press "Update and Save", which will update the list of members. Note there are four sections you can edit:
  1. Teams - If any teams have been created, they will be listed here.
  2. Active Analysts - Analysts with current recommendations or estimates.
  3. Inactive Analysts - Analysts with no current recommendations or estimates.
    Note: If an analyst who is a member of your group is listed twice, inform your StarMine account manager. StarMine sometimes receives an analyst's coverage split (e.g. across your firm's operating units or region), and StarMine needs to reunite the split analyst.
  4. Grant Access to These Users - The list of usernames you may want to grant access to. After you've created a group, it will not be visible to a user until the box next to their name is checked. This is true even for users who have access to this Edit Analyst Groups page because they have administrator status. For a new group, don't forget to grant access to yourself!
    • Exception 1: If a user has access to all analysts, she also has access to all groups, so she does not need to be explicitly added here, and her username will not be listed.
    • Exception 2: If a user has access to only a single analyst, she cannot see groups, so she is not included in the list.
    To change a user to group level permission (from all analysts or a single analyst), contact your StarMine account manager.
Changes you make to groups are effective immediately (unlike changes to Teams, which take effect overnight).
Is it possible to add users (assistants, associates, analysts, etc.)?
Yes. E-mail us at [email protected] with the person's name, contact information (telephone, address and e-mail), and position.
What is the "Include in the dropdown menu on the Groupwide page" checkbox for?
If a manager will care to compare the group's members' performance or to see the overall performance of the group, when creating the group, leave the box checked. The group will appear on the Groupwide page's menu, and overall performance will be presented. If the group is simply those analysts that an associate or assistant should have access to view, uncheck the box. The group will not appear on the Groupwide page. Users who have permission to access this group will still have access to the analysts in the group through the Analyst tab's dropdown menu.
How can I view and compare the performance of teams and groups?
Team's performance can be viewed just as individual analysts can. On the Analyst tab, select the team's name, and the team's All-Stock Performance Summary will be shown. Add the team to a group, and it will be presented on the Groupwide page with the other teams and analysts that are members of the group.

Groups' performance can be viewed on the Groupwide Performance page. For each group presented, the overall returns and scores of the analysts (or teams) appear on the first row. Group performance is likewise the first row of the download when you select "Download this page". To view the overall performance of all groups compared, choose Groupwide Comparison from the Group menu.
How are overall group performance scores calculated?
Group recommendation returns are simple averages of the returns for all analysts in the group. Group Coverage-Relative Score and Estimate Accuracy Score are also simple averages of the scores of analysts in the group. Number of Stocks is the count of distinct stocks covered by analysts in the group. Group performance scores on all versions of the Groupwide Performance page incorporate your selections for Analyst Recommendation Weight (Market Cap or Equal) and any Coverage Filter (Analyst or DOR). Low Coverage analysts are not included in group performance for recommendations.